Passionate kisses on lips!» Zeta-Jones and Douglas respond to the haters and share romantic vacation photos

Zeta-Jones and Douglas show what real passion is on Valentine’s Day! madly in love, the spouses kiss each other on lips and delight the followers! snapshots in this article! Shirtless and See the romantic

Many have been wondering how one of the iconic couples in show business spent their Valentine’s Day. If you are one of them, this article is for you. Zeta-Jones and Douglas hit the network with some romantic photos which escaped the attention of no one.

The candid photos of the couple kissing each other on the lips went viral and showed the famous spouses enjoying time together on a vacation. The outstanding actress misses no chance to express her endless love and pride of her husband.Douglas, on the other hand, often receives criticism for his aged look. Some are convinced that Catherine deserves someone better, hotter and younger, having no idea about their special bond and limitless love for each other. They showed what real passion is and served as a prime example of a harmonious and enduring couple. How heartwarming it is to see them still exchanging glances full of love and warmth even after so many years of being side by side.

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