Mom of rare twins with Down syndrome shows how beautiful they are in spite of critics

Although the chance of twin pregnancies increased by 72% between 1980 and 2018, they are still quite rare.About 33 out of every 1,000 births result in twins.

How likely is it that you will have identical twins? On average, three to four identical twins are born for every 1,000. Not that frequent, then again.

When Savannah Combs, 23, found out she was carrying twins, she was ecstatic. Then, in another odd discovery, she learned that they both had Down syndrome.

The information was distressing, of course. Savannah and her husband, Justin Ackerman, knew that some people would criticize them because of her illness and the condition of her children.

Savannah, however, thinks that’s what makes them so attractive.

“What they have is extremely uncommon, but they have been my little treasures,” she said.

Savannah, a native of Middleburg, Florida, shared videos of her postpartum experience on TikTok with her children, Mckenli Ackerman and Kennadi Rue, and the videos quickly gained popularity.

In one of her videos, Savannah stated that she was told to have her children aborted because they wouldn’t make it.

She decided to hold onto them and give them a chance.

“I considered every [prenatal] appointment they had while they were alive to be a blessing,” Savannah said.

When she discovered they both had Down syndrome, her husband was away at boot camp.

Savannah was 29 weeks pregnant and had given birth to twin daughters when she was brought to the hospital. On May 12, 2021, identical twin daughters Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman were born.

Due to their two-month early birth, the twins had to stay in the NICU for a few weeks before being sent home.

“They are known as mono di twins, which means that although they each had their own sacs, they were going to be identical because they shared the same placenta,” she explained.

“Mo di twins are quite uncommon as they are. It’s about one in two million when you add Down syndrome to it.

Despite having a rare ailment, Savannah says they are just like any other child.

“They are emotional. Their hearts are thumping. They can communicate. They can perform tasks that you can. “They’ll arrive,” she said.

They may be lagging behind, but they will succeed, as I mentioned. These kids are cheerful and feisty little things, I’ve discovered.


Savannah shares amazing updates on TikTok as each child continues to accomplish their goals.

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